HIAS Science Moodle

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    Site news

    Primary Science Safety Audit 2024

    by Emma Cooper -

    Good morning

    Please find the link for this year's annual safety audit: Primary Science Safety Audit 2024 Thank you for your patience with receiving it this year.

    We have also created a document with the required questions listed and some guidance on how to complete them. Please https://science.hias.hants.gov.uk/pluginfile.php/5497/mod_forum/post/3791/Primary%20Safety%20Audit%20Guidance%202024.pdf

    Please note that the completion of the online form is compulsory for maintained schools. A small number of randomly selected schools will receive a monitoring visit in the Autumn term and failure to submit could result in a formal Health & Safety monitoring visit.

    This is not compulsory for non-maintained schools but filling it in and returning will help build a bigger picture of the issues surrounding safe and effective practical work in Science across Hampshire, and we would appreciate your support with this.

    The responses are automatically collated and sent back to HIAS once you have submitted the form. Your responses will also be emailed to you on completion. You should print and save a copy of your responses. A copy should be kept by the science coordinator/leader and another copy lodged with the school’s Health & Safety Officer.

    You should check CLEAPSS regularly for updates: http://science.cleapss.org.uk 

    Any questions please email emma.cooper3@hants.gov.uk 


    Final Year 6 HIAS Science assessment materials available on Moodle+ now

    by Emma Cooper -

    The final Year 6 HIAS Science Disciplinary Knowledge Working Scientifically KPI Assessment booklets for both pupil and teacher have been uploaded to the Moodle+ as well as the final year 6 HIAS Science KPI Substantive Knowledge Summative Assessment Booklet.

    Substantive knowledge KPI booklet front cover

    Sign up to our Newly Appointed Primary Science Coordinator Training 24-25 – 27 September 2024

    by Hannah Richardson -

    Taking on the leadership of science can appear a daunting task for many new science co-ordinators, especially at a time when its place in the curriculum is under greater scrutiny.  

    This one-day training session will help new co-ordinators gain a clear understanding of what science teaching and learning should be like and identify what they need to do to further develop the subject in their own school. 

    Part of the cost of the training includes a half day visit from either Kevin Neil, County Inspector for Science, or Emma Cooper, General Inspector/Adviser for Science, to support your school’s specific challenges/developments.  

    This course is offered in the Autumn and Spring terms. 

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Science Coordinator

    Price: Sub £750 / SLA £670 / Full £900 

    Join us at the Autumn 24-25 Primary Core Science Co-ordinator Network  

    by Hannah Richardson -

    These meetings across the academic year are for primary science co-ordinators to come together to network with colleagues. These meetings are a chance for science subject leaders to learn about and discuss the latest local and national initiatives in science in order to be fully informed of the developments within the subject. 

    Available dates:

    11 November 2024 – Fleet 
    12 November 2024 – Basingstoke  
    18 November 2024 – New Forest 
    20 November 2024 – Winchester 
    25 November 2024 – Havant 
    26 November 2024 – Fareham 
    28 November 2024 – Fareham 

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Autumn Core Science 

    Price: Sub £95 / SLA £60 / Full £114 

    Don’t forget to sign up to our Science secondary networks which are now live for booking on the Learning Zone

    by Hannah Richardson -

    You can book now for all sessions in 2024-25.

    Autumn 1 date: 24 October 2024
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Autumn 1 Science
    Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

    Autumn 2 date: 12 December 2024
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Autumn Science Webinar
    Price: Sub £55 / SLA £40 / Full £66 (Webinar)

    Spring 1 date: 13 February 2025
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Spring 1 Science
    Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

    Spring 2 date: 3 April 2025
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Spring 2 Science
    Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

    Summer 1 date: 22 May 2025
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Summer Science Webinar
    Price: Sub £55 / SLA £40 / Full £66 (Webinar)

    Summer 2 date: 3 July 2025
    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Summer 2 Science
    Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

    Please see here for more information about our secondary subject networks for 2024-25.

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